Click on any image for complete slide show
Students from all Sessions, skill levels, and stages of their studies have the opportunity to display work here.
From value studies to finished final projects;
graphite; pen and ink; scratchboard; watercolor; and digital media, students follow lesson plans and develop their skills. More than two hundred images are displayed. Newest work is highlighted first.
Students who have chosen to exhibit are listed alphabetically:
Melynda Amann
Rosanna Antonacci
Anna Blomqvist
Lynsi Boyd
Daria Chrobok
Araceli Torres Curiel
Gordon Dan
John K. Delaney
Sophie Delesque
Caterina Di Pietro
Deborah Duffy
Becky Duncan
Michelle Erdie
Linda Evans
Peter Green
Rita Halpert
K. Hansen
Edith H. Harte
Valerie Hayes
Charon Henning
Alice Marie Hill
Tatjana Hirschmugl
Molly Hoopes
Beatriz Inglessis
Margarita Jurak
Amy Johnson
Briana Kinash
Kelly Kratzing
Tessa Kraus
Mary Kwok
Raymond Lee
Gwyn Lewis
Ren Logocki
Mitch Lopes da Silva
Jennifer Lucas
Anderson Lynch
Cecile Martin
Suzanne Matheson
Annie Martin
Cecile Martin
Kimberly McCarthy
Corinne McConnell
Kristin Mobley
Premee Mohamed
Christina Spence Morgan
Jennifer OKeefe
Jingru Peng
Natalia Popham
Joel Popp
Natalie Rey
Joely Rogers
Scott Rufolo
Deblina Basu Sain
Laura Sohl-Smith
Jaime Sorenson
Konstantina Stavropoulou
Tristan Stephan
Janet Stephens
Melissa Stimpfle
Rachel Stowers
Mary Stockard
Susan Sylvester
Kanon Tanaka
Elvire Thouvenot-Nitzan
Prabhadevi Venkataramani
Dana Watrous
Laurie Weinstein
Nanci Worthington
Students in the SIDP have hailed from
Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark,
France, India, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United States, Venezuela.
Note: all work is copyrighted by the artist

Session I Branta canadensis graphite

Session I Snail Teeth graphite

Session I Spider moult graphite

Session I Dionaea muscipula graphite

Session I Xylocopa virginica graphite

Session I Zea mays graphite

Session I Pica hudsonia graphite

Session III Siamese Cat Color Point Genetics Colored pencil and digital

Session III Chlororphyllum brunneum Watercolor and liquid charcoal

Session IV Humpback Whale Study watercolor

Session IV Marine Mammals of the Bay of Fundy watercolor with digital text

Session III Limulus polyphemus in Biomedicine watercolor, colored pencil, digital